Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Mom's been letting me stay up late, as late as I can manage before passing out, to watch the Olympics. I love gymnastics. My favorite gymnast is Gabby Douglas "because she flies on the uneven bars." I like the uneven bars and floor routine best.

I also like watching volleyball and cycling. I hope I get to watch archery and shooting events later.

Rainbow Falls

Giant banyan tree

Boiling Pots
These little pools of water above Rainbow Falls are supposed to look like pots of boiling water due to the turbidity.

Hawaii Day 4 and 5

plate lunch

loco moco

local coconut ice cream topped with macadamia nuts

rain forest house at Volcano

Red, white, and blue at Ken's House of Pancakes in Hilo

coconut pancakes

some meat and chili filled omelet dad ate

I didn't think the farmers market was so great

Monday, July 30, 2012

Hawaii Day 3

We decided to check out some other beaches. We were close to what travel books consider the best beaches. We were not impressed. They were crowded and had a rough surf. We liked our protected resort beach.

considered the best beach in Hawaii

King Kamehameha statue

private 15th birthday party at our resort, yeah really

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Star Wars Prints

The comic prints showed up yesterday. They match my curtains perfectly.

How to Peel a Coconut

First, pound the ends on a rock until they soften up. Then...

Find the end with the three eye spots and poke a hole through the soft one. Drink the milk.

Eat. If you leave the coconut out in the sun like this it will pull out of the shell.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

July 4th

Cherry pickin' on a friend's house (that's a playhouse, not their actual house. That would be pretty funny, though)

He didn't break his leg, so off to work he went

Watch where you're pointing that thing!

Mom and I usually go to our park to watch the fireworks on the fourth, but this year we got invited to a friend's barbecue. The view of the fireworks wasn't as spectacular as our park view, but we still had fun. Dad got to eat and gather fruit before going to work. He used those cherries for a delicious pie.