Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Roller Skating

My first time roller skating. My mom showed me how to do it. After about 5 minutes I wanted her to leave me alone.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Daddy's Birthday

I gave Dad a Camaro

Dad's Camaro savings plan

Pinball Museum

A homemade pinball machine

Pac Pac. That's right Pac Pac

Mom kept beating everyone at this game. She would leave and then come back to beat the last person's high score. Then brag about it to dad. Dad would try to beat her, but fail.

We all got one last go on this machine. Dad got super lucky with an 1180

I got a respectable 218

Mom got 1, so we let her go again. She got a whopping 2

Then we had pizza at a local pizza joint called The Smoking Monkey. They use ingredients from our CSA farm

it was very good

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Pet Show

I brought Kitty Jones in for show-and-tell. He was a very good kitty and got right into his carrier when dad told him to. He didn't make a peep the entire time. He got the award for quietest cat. No, that's not him meowing in the video.