My teddy bear gets to spend stay at school for the next week. He's keeping the other bears in line. |
It's definitely sunny |
Winnie the Pooh play figures. This ties in perfectly with my at home curriculum. I'm currently ready Disney's Winnie the Pooh Stories and will soon start the originals. Then, I can go see the new movie. |
Self portrait and bear song book |
Note from mom:
Gabe started school today. He's attending a private Christian school. He goes for 3 hours a day, five days a week. There are 16 kids in his class, one teacher, and regular parent helpers. Everyone we have talked to has highly recommended the school and teachers. I was a little concerned about the religious aspect of the curriculum, but after talking to another family who is completely unreligious they reassured us that everything will be fine.
Gabe was very excited about going to school today and said he had fun. It's hard to find out what happens when we aren't around. He likes to make up stories, so we don't always know if he's telling the truth or not. Today, according to him, the big event was playing on a new playground, and playing with a pretend kitchen. He did say kids were throwing food at him while he was playing in the kitchen, but he didn't seem too upset about it.
Sean, of course, tells us nothing about his day at school, but he is always very excited to go every morning so I have to assume it's fun and not too stressful.
As the mother of three boys, I can guarantee that it will always be hard to know what happened when you aren't around!
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